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Showing posts from April, 2012

Free Bookshare App For Android

Read2Go.   The app is gratis in addition to compatible alongside a publish of Android 2.2 or higher phones in addition to tablets. Features include straight access to Bookshare's library of accessible books, text-to-speech alongside synced sentence by judgement highlighting in addition to the mightiness to read ePub books. To larn to a greater extent than close how to drib dead a Bookshare fellow member click here.  To download Go Read click here.  Click read to a greater extent than below to sentiment concealment shoots of Go Read inwards action.

Snap&Read Past Times Don Johnston

Don Johnston latterly introduced a novel production named Snap&Read. Don Johnston describes Snap&Read every bit follows, "The elementary i on-button toolbar that reads whatever text on-screen every bit it floats over whatever application."  To role Snap&Read simply press the pick push too drag to pick out the text y'all desire to endure read aloud amongst high character text-to-speech. Snap&Read tin hand notice read text inward Flash, PDF too images files along amongst apparently text. You can purchases Snap&Read on a USB flash crusade too role the programme on whatever computer. Snap&Read industrial plant the same on Macs too PCs. To lookout adult man a video most Snap&Read click here.  To acquire to a greater extent than most Snap&Read too its features click here.  

Snap&Read Past Times Don Johnston

Don Johnston latterly introduced a novel production named Snap&Read. Don Johnston describes Snap&Read every bit follows, "The elementary i on-button toolbar that reads whatever text on-screen every bit it floats over whatever application."  To role Snap&Read simply press the pick push too drag to pick out the text y'all desire to endure read aloud amongst high character text-to-speech. Snap&Read tin hand notice read text inward Flash, PDF too images files along amongst apparently text. You can purchases Snap&Read on a USB flash crusade too role the programme on whatever computer. Snap&Read industrial plant the same on Macs too PCs. To lookout adult man a video most Snap&Read click here.  To acquire to a greater extent than most Snap&Read too its features click here.  

Print From An Ios Device To Whatsoever Printer Amongst The Xprintserver

iPads, iPhones in addition to iPod Touch are bully for many tasks. One downside is that it is difficult to impress documents, pictures, spreadsheets, emails in addition to notes. One solution is the xPrintServer from Lantonix. The xPrintServer allows you lot to impress to upwards to 10 network printers. Just plug inwards the xPrintServer in addition to you lot are laid upwards to go. It allows you lot to impress take away from apps to non-AirPrint compatible printers. The xPrintServer is perfect for schools in addition to bussnisses that demand to impress from iPads or iPhones. The xPrintServer toll $149.99. Click here to larn more.

Smart Ebook Interface Makes Navigation A Breeze

H5N1 new concept eBook reader app improves navigation of eBooks on tablets. The app makes eBook navigation to a greater extent than similar the navigation of a printed book. This concept is best for sighted users in addition to may non piece of job too for  the blind in addition to people amongst physical disabilities. The concept app allows the user to flip  through multiple pages quickly, notice pages to a greater extent than chop-chop in addition to more. Currently this is exclusively a concept simply may shortly live on coming to the App Store. While iBooks has an slow to move interface, this novel concept seems to accept it a pace further. Click here to acquire to a greater extent than close Smart E-Book Interface. Click "read to a greater extent than below" to run across to a greater extent than images of the app inwards action.    

Google Self-Driving Car For The Blind

Google has been developing a self-driving machine for a 2 years. Over the 2 years of testing the cars they receive got logged over 200,000 miles. The machine has numerous sensors together with an on board calculator that tin stimulate the machine to a goal amongst out human intervention. In the to a higher house video the Google Self-Driving Car drives a legally blind homo unopen to town. Click here to sentinel the audio described version. The machine can recognize terminate signs, blood-red lights, hazards together with pretty much anything else. If the machine makes a error the driver tin hitting the interruption or plow the cycle to command the car. In many states self-driving cars are non street legal. The Google Self-Driving Car is not available for purchase simply offers a expect into the future. Click read to a greater extent than below to larn to a greater extent than virtually the self-driving car.

Custom Label Ios Buttons To Endure Improve Amongst Voiceover

If an app has buttons that are not labeled good for role amongst VoiceOver , you lot can easily edit them to operate better. If you lot are not familiar with VoiceOver click here. For event if an app has a push that is non labeled VoiceOver volition exactly tell "button" when you lot select it. If you lot custom label the push you lot tin brand VoiceOver depict the activity that the button preforms. This makes it possible for people using VoiceOver to know what push they accept selected. To modify the label of a push only select the push amongst the VoiceOver  curser and double tap together with concur amongst 2 fingers. This tip volition operate amongst the iPhone, iPod Touch together with iPad.This volition choose upwardly a box where you lot tin together with then last inward in a cite for the button. Watch the video higher upwardly for to a greater extent than information.

Learning Ally Well App Updated Only Nonetheless Missing Cardinal Features

Today, the Learning Ally Audio app was updated to version 2.0.4. The Learning Ally Audio app costs $19.99 from the App Store.  You must move a Learning Ally (formally RFB&D) fellow member to purpose the app. The app allows members to brain to well books downloaded from Learning Ally on the go. The update adds the ability to download books over the spider web without having to connect too sync amongst iTunes. It besides has pocket-size fry user interface improvements. On the downside the app does non permit users to brain to their well books inwards the background. In other words, yous cannot brain to your books spell yous persuasion the printed text inwards about other application. This characteristic is real of import for sighted users who desire to read the printed text of an iBook amongst the well support. You besides can't depository fiscal establishment tally your email, browse the spider web or anything create anything else. Once yous unopen the app, play dorsum