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Showing posts from May, 2014

Ginger Page For Iphone: Powerful Spelling In Addition To Grammer Correction

Ginger Software , the maker of the powerful spelling too contextual grammer checker "Ginger" has released an iPhone app called text-to-speech , which tin live on a powerful proof reading tool, peculiarly for those amongst dyslexia. Once y'all convey completed your writing, y'all tin portion it past times text message, email, or opened upwards it inward to a greater extent than or less other compatible app. While the Ginger correction software is real good, the app has to a greater extent than or less notable omissions. Ginger Page is solely available for iPhone which is perplexing for a writing focused app. The iPad's larger hide would brand the writing sense much easier. Also, Ginger requires an meshing connect to right your writing. You tin notwithstanding type into the app without an meshing connection, simply no corrects volition live on offered.  Since, Ginger Page is a gratuitous app its a no brainier to download it if y'all remove extra sp

Apple Begins Hosting Gratis Accessibility Workshops

Recently, choose Apple Retail Stores accept started hosting gratis accessibility workshops. The hr long sessions are instructed yesteryear Apple Store employees in addition to comprehend diverse accessibility features included inward iOS 7 in addition to OS X Mavericks . Workshops are divided based on the user's needs in addition to include hearing, vision, in addition to physical in addition to motor skills. These workshops volition presumably comprehend features such every bit VoiceOver , Assistive Touch , Switch Control , in addition to more. These workshops are a slap-up agency for Apple customers to larn virtually helpful accessibility features that are already built into their devices. The workshops volition too offering u sers of Apple's accessibility features an chance to dice their questions answered inward person. The preparation of the workshop instructors volition last telephone substitution to a successful experience. Hopefully, these workshops volition

Google's Projection Ara Smartphone Has Tremendous Accessibility Potential

Google 's futuristic modular smart telephone has the potential to dramatically alter how nosotros mean value of electronics. The nonetheless unreleased telephone phone outcry upwards Project Ara has a interior metallic construction amongst slots for unlike components to connect. For example, modular components could identify a camera, battery, touching on covert display, or speaker. These components snap into identify making a relatively touchstone looking smartphone. Consumers could buy components in addition to get together them to brand a personalized smartphone. The telephone allows consumers to central a cistron for extra battery ability or a to a greater extent than powerful photographic tv set camera depending on the situation. With such customizable hardware, the Ara telephone could suit to represent the needs of people amongst diverse disabilities. If users accept a hearing harm they could add together a louder speaker component. Conversely, if a user is deaf at th