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Showing posts from June, 2014

High-Tech Utensil Helps To Counteract Tremors Together With Stabilize Food

For many amongst tremors eating tin survive a daunting task. Each seize amongst teeth is a challenge because the tremors larn far hard to steady the nutrient inward society to eat. This tin extremely frustrating inward the privacy of one's ain abode as well as real embarrassing when eating inward public. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fellowship raise Lift Labs has a solution, mechanical utensils that counteract tremors as well as steady food. Lift Labs claims that this technology scientific discipline tin cancel out 70% of the tremor to trim spills, making eating easier. The Liftware device runs on a built-in battery as well as starts working when it is lifted off of the table. The mechanical stabilizing technology scientific discipline inward the utensil's possess got steadies the nutrient fifty-fifty amongst unsteady hands. Users tin switch betwixt a fork as well as spoon attachment depending on what they are eating. The attachments are interchangeable, making cleaning

Happy Birthday Voiceover

Five years ago, Apple did what seemed impossible; making the shine drinking glass of the iPhone carry upon enshroud accessible to the blind. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 seemingly impossible chore made possible yesteryear i of Apple's greatest software innovations; at to the lowest degree inwards my heed together with the minds of millions of others alongside disabilities. Apple's solution was VoiceOver , a enshroud reader similar no other before. VoiceOver uses carry upon gestures instead of keyboard shortcuts together with other to a greater extent than desktop friendly inputs that had been used before. Simply put, VoiceOver allowed millions of blind together with visually impaired users to sense the magic that was iPhone. In closed to ways, VoiceOver is to accessibility every bit the Model T was to transportation: both brought novel opportunities to the masses. VoiceOver has come upward preinstalled on every iPhone, iPad , together with iPod carry upon for the

Amazon Announces Burn Cry Upward Amongst Advanced Icon Recognition In Addition To Built-In Accessibility

This week, Amazon announced in that place offset smartphone called Fire Phone. The Fire Phone has a seat out of flashy, perchance fifty-fifty gimmicky, features along amongst a few features that may convey serious accessibility implications. The telephone which starts at $200 in addition to starts transportation on July 25th runs Fire OS 3.5.0 similar to Amazon's Kindle Fire tablets. The operating organisation includes a seat out of built-in accessibility features including features to assist blind, depression vision, mobility impaired, in addition to hearing impaired users. For blind in addition to depression vision users, the Fire Phone includes a concealment reader which allows users to navigate the concealment without seeing it. Assuming the Fire Phone uses the same text-to-speech voices every bit the Kindle Fire tablets, the text-to-speech vocalisation used is really high quality. For depression vision users, the Fire Phone includes a zoom trend in addition to high con

Kindle App For Ios As Well As Android Adds Whispersync For Vocalisation

Amazon's Kindle app for iOS together with Android was lately updated to integrate well books from Audible. The update, which is available for free, allows users to seamlessly switch betwixt reading the Kindle text version of a majority to listening to the Audible well version of a book. For example, if y'all read purpose of the majority together with thence switch to the well version the recording volition pickup correct where y'all left off. The novel characteristic fifty-fifty allows users to head to the well majority spell next along alongside the text version. Audio speaking charge per unit of measurement tin move increased or decreased according to user preference. Unfortunately, different Immersion Reading on Kindle Fire tablets, the Kindle app for iOS together with Android does non highlight the text equally it is beingness read allowed. While this may non move an inconveniences for approximately users, it could move a major omission for users alongside tracki

Ios Viii Accessibility Roundup: To A Greater Extent Than Accessible Than Ever

Apple previewed iOS 8, the side yesteryear side operating arrangement for iPhone , iPad , together with iPod touch. iOS 8 builds on existing accessibility features to offering roughly exciting novel possibilities for iOS users with disabilities. Many websites volition conduct keep full general information near iOS 8, but this post volition focus on accessibility related changes to iOS. iOS 8 includes novel keyboard options, improved text-to-speech voices, improved Guided Access features, together with improved Siri functionality with other accessibility related features. Apple tin flaming e'er add together or alter features earlier the full general release. The novel operating arrangement volition last available this autumn for the full general public. QuickType together with Keyboard Apple's iOS 8 volition include a built inwards predictive keyboard called QuickType. This novel software keyboard volition predict words for the user equally they type. Once the