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Showing posts from August, 2014

Back-To-School Lead For Dyslexic Students: Apps In Addition To To A Greater Extent Than (Repost)

Kurzweil 3000  is a versatile reading in addition to writing programme for  Mac  and PC. With Kurzweil students tin read scanned in addition to digital documents amongst high quality  text-to-speech  and synchronized highlighting. This gives students amongst reading difficulty the mightiness to hear to text in addition to amend comprehension. Kurzweil also allows students to annotate documents using text notes, well notes, highlighting, in addition to circling. Test taking is also a breeze amongst Kurzweil cheers to its “fill inward the blanks” business office which allows students to answer exam inquiry straight on the digital document. Kurzweil 3000 is non solely for reading assistance but also includes a publish of helpful writing features such equally heed mapping in addition to discussion prediction. Click hither to larn to a greater extent than about  Kurzweil 3000 . Bookshare Bookshare  books tin survive downloaded inward a DAISY format for purpose with  text-to-speech  s

Indoor Navigation Organisation Volition Shortly Direct Blind Passengers At Sfo

Imagine how hard it would last to navigate a bustling airdrome end every bit a someone amongst a visual impairment. Navigating security, finding baggage check, as well as finding the right gate all piece trying to brand a concluding infinitesimal flying is daunting for fifty-fifty the almost seasoned travelers. San Francisco International Airport (SFO) volition presently implement a organisation to assistance direct blind as well as visually impaired travelers from curb to gate. Starting amongst Terminal ii this fall, the airdrome volition install approximately 500 iBeacons for a trial. Current solutions such every bit GPS practise non go good indoors because they are unable to render precise place information, only beacons let to a greater extent than precise locationa. When a user amongst the indoor navigation app walks past times a beacon it communicates amongst the user's smartphone as well as transmits the location. With the place data sent from the beacon, the app tin a

Redbox To Brand Around Kiosks Accessible To The Blind

Popular video rental service Redbox agreed inwards a short town to brand 4,000 of their 35,900 kiosks located inwards California accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired. The service, which is normally flora inwards supermarkets as well as other populace areas, is inaccessible to blind or visually impaired users. As business office of the agreement, Redbox agreed to add together headphone jacks, text-to-speech output, as well as tactile keyboards to kiosks. The roll-out of accessible video rental boxes volition live on gradual as well as is planed to accept longer than ii years. In the interim, Redbox has besides agreed to render outcry upwards back upwards to help blind customers navigate the rental process. It is non clear if Redbox plans to add together to a greater extent than DVDs amongst sound descriptions to create goodness its novel larger client base of operations of visually impaired users, but such a excogitation would appear to brand sense. The short to