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Showing posts from December, 2014

Apple's Novel App Supply Policy Inward Europe Is A Big Bargain For Voiceover Users

Recently, Apple implemented a novel fourteen solar daytime no questions asked provide policy inward many European Union (EU) nations according to 9to5mac. The novel policy allows customers to have a total refund on App Store purchases inside fourteen days of receipt. While this novel policy is an of import safeguard for all consumers, it is a major evolution for App Store customers who rely on accessibility features, such equally VoiceOver, inward social club to role their devices. VoiceOver is a built inward covert reader that allows blind as well as visually impaired users to role iOS devices as well as Macs . While browsing the App Store, it is extremely hard for VoiceOver users to produce upwards one's heed if the app they are interested inward purchasing is accessible. This oftentimes leaves the client playing a guessing game alongside their money. For example, without the provide policy a VoiceOver user who wanted to buy a $20 app would demand to promise that

Knfb Reader App: Amazingly Fast In Addition To Accurate

The KNFB Reader  is a text recognition app that is shockingly fast. Take a movie of a paper article or practically whatever printed text together with inside a span of seconds the app volition survive reading the text dorsum to you. H5N1 "couple of seconds" is no exaggeration, the KNFB Reader app is that fast. For people who are visually impaired or direct keep difficulty reading, the KNFB Reader is perfect for accessing printed text. Once a document is properly framed, entirely 1 to a greater extent than pace is necessary to commencement reading the document. Simply press the accept movie push clit together with inside seconds the app volition recognize the text inside the document using optical graphic symbol recognition ( OCR ) together with laid about reading it with  text-to-speech . No need to crop or accommodate the image, in 1 trial the movie is taken the app does all the work. All recognition is done locally on the device together with thence personal informat

Motionsavvy's Uni Tablet: A Suspension Through Inwards Sign Linguistic Communication Communication

For people who role sign language to communicate, interacting amongst people who practise non know sign linguistic communication tin laissez passer on notice last an enormous challenge as well as practise barriers for people who are hearing impaired. Until now, the best choice mightiness bring been writing out notes on a slice of paper. However, an upcoming production from a fellowship called MotionSavvy hopes to offering a amend solution. The solution does non aspect similar the advanced slice of assistive technology that it is, simply rather looks similar a sparse tablet amongst a Leap Motion device attached to the front. The Leap Motion senses the motion of the users mitt to recognize signs using multiple cameras. Once the tabular array recognizes the signs it tin laissez passer on notice display the signed phrase equally text on concealment or fifty-fifty equally spoken words amongst text-to-speech . This allows the other someone that does non know sign linguistic communic