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Showing posts from January, 2017

Technology Digital Tools For Teachers

Over the in conclusion few months I convey been working on a novel mass projection together with finally convey it completed. The novel mass is Digital Tools for Teachers . This mass has been written together with designed primarily amongst English linguistic communication language teachers inwards heed though the bulk of the resources together with tools contained inwards the mass volition convey much wider role than only linguistic communication teaching. The mass is available at the introductory cost of £1.99 from: iBook Store Payhip The mass contains to a greater extent than than seventy tools together with resources together with these convey been manus picked because they stand upward for a broad cross-section of what is at acquaint available. The chapters of the mass are divided into elementary pedagogical tasks that virtually teachers demand to deport out or help their students amongst together with the descriptions of the resources are suitably concise to