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Showing posts from October, 2017

Teecht. Bioenvironmental Technicians Proceed Guam Base Of Operations Safe

By Air Force Airman 1st Class Gerald Willis 36th Wing ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam, Oct. 30, 2017 — On the isolated Pacific isle of Guam, protecting the express natural resources in addition to establishing a security working surroundings is essential to mission success. The 36th Medical Operations Squadron Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight hither takes on the undertaking of seeking out possible wellness hazards in addition to bolstering the mission yesteryear leading the means inwards personal safety. In the same means that the Occupational Safety in addition to Health Act protects employees at work, bioenvironmental technicians monitor in addition to assure a security in addition to healthful working surroundings for service members. "Our biggest undertaking is identifying in addition to quantifying hazards to brand a wellness gamble assessment in addition to certify weather condition are non hazardous to employees or the environment," said Air Force

Teecht. Deputy Attorney Full General Rosenstein Delivers Remarks At The 2017 Due North American International Cyber Summit

 Detroit, MI Monday, Oct 30, 2017 Remarks every bit prepared for delivery Good afternoon.   Thank you, Mr. DeVries, for that really form introduction. I attended an undergraduate describe of piece of work organisation school, earlier I became a lawyer. So, I sympathize how describe of piece of work organisation people stance attorneys. One of the most oftentimes quoted remarks mocking lawyers is from William Shakespeare’s play, Henry VI.   You know the line: “The get-go thing nosotros do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” Fortunately, Shakespeare did non hateful for it to live on taken literally. On the contrary, the remark is intended to live on ironic. The speaker is non a human of affairs upset nearly overregulation. He is a criminal scheming to accept over the government. Shakespeare’s signal is that without lawyers, nobody would postulate to follow the law. That would live on goodness for criminals. But it would live on bad for business! The domin