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Showing posts from March, 2018

Teecht. Criminal Judge Applied Scientific Discipline Inwards The Intelligence

Law Enforcement News Distracted Driving Simulator Comes to Pensacola State College WEARTV, (03/19/2018), Kristie Henderson Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 simulator showing the dangers of distracted too impaired driving was component of Pensacola State College's campus security day. The simulator allows participants to sense the potential consequences of texting too driving too driving nether the influence. Also on manus for the trial were the Florida Highway Patrol, Pensacola Police, Escambia County European Monetary System too Pensacola Fire Department. Link to Article Police Asking Homeowners to Register Home Surveillance Cameras to Fight Crime WCNC, (03/20/2018), Brandon Goldner The Gaston County Police Department inward North Carolina is bespeak homeowners to voluntarily register their dwelling surveillance cameras then investigators tin privy solve crimes quicker. Locations of the cameras volition live on mapped. Detectives volition alone job homeowners' ca

Teecht. Deputy Attorney Full General Rosenstein Delivers Remarks Announcing Nine Iranians Charged Amongst Conducting Massive Cyber Theft Stimulate On Behalf Of The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

Good morning. For many decades, the U.S.A. of America has led the earth inwards science, technology, research, in addition to development. Hostile individuals, organizations in addition to nation-states receive got taken notation of our success.   They increasingly endeavour to turn a profit from America’s ingenuity past times infiltrating our calculator systems, stealing our intellectual property, in addition to evading our controls on engineering scientific discipline exports. When hackers gain unlawful access to computers, it tin select exclusively a few minutes to pocket discoveries produced past times many years of run in addition to many millions of dollars of investment. That type of criminal activity does non simply drive economical harm. It likewise threatens our national security.   Identifying in addition to prosecuting calculator hackers is a priority for the Department of Justice.     We are hither today to denote that a federal grand jury inwards the