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Docscanner Ocr Iphone App (Giveaway)

OCR app for the iPhone, iPad as well as iPod Touch. DocScanner allows yous to accept a motion-picture present of a document as well as salve it every bit a PDF or JPEG file. To download DocScanner VoiceOver. This procedure is called OCR. To acquire to a greater extent than almost OCR click here. If yous would similar to exam out DocScanner's OCR capabilities download SayText which uses the same OCR engine every bit DocScanner.  DocScanner allows users to scan many dissimilar types of documents including concern cards, recipes, articles as well as fifty-fifty whiteboards. Once your document has been scanned yous tin salve it to a server, Evernote or Dropbox. Norfello Oy describes the apps scanning capabilities as follows.
"DocScanner has manufacture leading epitome processing algorithms which automatically plow the motion-picture present to await similar yous hit got scanned the document alongside a flatbed scanner."
DocScanner is a challenger to ZoomReader which is about other OCR app inwards the App Store. ZoomReader costs $19.99 piece DocScanner costs $4.99. DocScanner has to a greater extent than features including Evernote as well as Dropbox compatibility and the pick to salve documents every bit PDF or JPEG. DocScanner every bit good allows users to scan multiple pages into i documents piece ZoomReader entirely allows yous to scan one. ZoomReaders OCR engine does operate faster as well as more accurately in my tests.


The volition locomote giving away vi copies of the DocScanner app over the side past times side week. Promo codes volition locomote posted to the weblog over the side past times side week. The outset someone to motility into the code into iTunes volition win the app. Once i someone enters the code it volition no longer work. DocScanner is a $4.99 value inwards the App Store.

Click read to a greater extent than below to meet to a greater extent than pictures of DocScanner.


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