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Back-To-School Conduct For Students Amongst Dyslexia: Apps In Addition To More

With the schoolhouse yr fast approaching (or already inwards total swing) hither are my favorite apps together with products for accessibility. Hopefully these apps together with products volition assist brand the schoolhouse yr successful for those needing assistive technology scientific discipline to back upwards their reading together with writing. This listing is geared toward students amongst dyslexia but many of the apps together with products tin toilet also practice goodness other students. To larn to a greater extent than close whatever of these products or apps click on the accompanying link.

Kurzweil 3000

Kurzweil 3000 is a versatile reading together with writing programme for Mac together with PC. With Kurzweil students tin toilet read scanned together with digital documents amongst high lineament text-to-speech together with synchronized highlighting. This gives students amongst reading difficulty the might to hear to text together with better comprehension. Kurzweil also allows students to annotate documents using text notes, sound notes, highlighting, together with circling. Test taking is also a breeze amongst Kurzweil cheers to its “fill inwards the blanks” component subdivision which allows students to answer evidence query direct on the digital document. Kurzweil 3000 is non exclusively for reading assist but also includes a set out of helpful writing features such every bit heed mapping together with discussion prediction. Click hither to larn to a greater extent than close Kurzweil 3000.

Bookshare books tin toilet hold upwards downloaded inwards a DAISY format for locomote amongst text-to-speech software or inwards a Braille format. Similar to Kurzweil, the combination of text-to-speech together with highlighted text tin toilet greatly speed upwards together with reading together with increase comprehension for qualifying students. Thanks to a grant from the the States Department of Education Bookshare is gratis to U.S. students.  Click hither to larn to a greater extent than close Bookshare.

Learning Ally
Learning Ally by together with large provides human narrated sound books for their members. Learning Ally is also expanding to render “VOICEtext” books which include human narration together with highlighted text. The highlighting of “VOICEtext” books is non discussion past times discussion similar inwards Bookshare together with Kurzweil but rather is paragraph past times paragraph. Learning Ally books tin toilet hold upwards read on iOS together with Android devices using the Learning Ally Audio app. Click here to larn to a greater extent than close Learning Ally.

Click read to a greater extent than below for to a greater extent than cracking apps together with products.

Voice Dream Reader
Voice Dream Reader is an amazing text-to-speech app for iOS. The app allows students to input text from the web, clipboard, Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, Project Gutenberg, Bookshare, together with more. Once you lot conduct maintain loaded your text into Voice Dream Reader you lot tin toilet conduct maintain it read amongst a set out of text-to-speech voices which are available at an additional cost. Voice Dream Reader also allows students to customize the await of their text. The app also includes highlighting together with banknote taking features. Voice Dream Reader is perfect for reading Bookshare books on the go. These features are simply the start; to larn all close Voice Dream Reader click here or click here to download from the App Store for $9.99.

Co:Writer past times Don Johnston is an app for iPhone, iPad, together with iPod Touch. Co:Writer has special discussion predication capabilities that tin toilet assist struggling spellers. Co:Writer’s most unique together with noteworthy characteristic is the might to locomote topic dictionaries to better discussion prediction based on the topic a pupil is writing about. For example, if a pupil is writing close World War II he or she tin toilet plow on the World War II topic lexicon inwards club to acquire to a greater extent than targeted discussion prediction. Click hither to larn to a greater extent than close Co:Writer. Click hither to download Co:Writer from the App Store.


Prizmo is an optical grapheme recognition (OCR) app for the iPhone, iPad, together with iPod Touch. The app gives students the might to accept a moving painting of a text documents together with conduct maintain it read dorsum to them using text-to-speech inwards seconds. So if students comes across a document that they can’t read they tin toilet locomote Prizmo to chop-chop accept a moving painting together with conduct maintain it read dorsum to them. Prizmo tin toilet also human activity every bit a portable scanner that tin toilet convert printed document into a digital PDF format. Click here to read a total review of Prizmo or click hither to download Prizmo.


Quizlet is a virtual flashcard service on the spider web together with for iOS devices together with Android devices. The Quizlet app for iOS includes text-to-speech which tin toilet read all text on the flash cards. If you lot locomote a pop vocabulary mass or textbook it is probable that some other Quizlet user has already practice a flashcard laid for that book. Using the search component subdivision students tin toilet access these flashcards created past times other Quizlet users. This gives students all the benefits of studying from flashcards without the hassle of creating them. To download Quizlet from the Click here to larn to a greater extent than close Quizlet.

Inspiration Maps

Inspiration Maps is a heed mapping tool for the iPad. Inspiration Maps documents are compatible amongst Inspiration documents created using a computer. Inspiration Maps helps students organize their thoughts inwards a graphical format. The app also includes many pre-made templates laid upwards for specific subject. Click here to read the total review of Inspiration Maps. To download Inspiration Maps click here.

Livescribe Sky Wifi Smartpen

The Sky Wifi Smartpen from Livescribe is a computerized pen designed for banknote taking. With the Sky Wifi Smartpen students tin toilet accept notes on specialized notebook newspaper together with conduct maintain the written notes synchronized amongst sound recorded from class. The synchronized sound together with written notes assist students to review together with fill upwards inwards gaps of data that they may conduct maintain missed spell trying to chop-chop tape information. The Sky Smartpen also automatically together with wirelessly synchronizes notes to Evernote. Another useful characteristic of the Smartpen is the might of ane assigned banknote taker to wirelessly transmit digital notes together with sound recordings to students who require notes provided. Using the Smartpen to render notes to multiple students removes the delays caused past times copying together with carbon paper. Click here to larn more.


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