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Ipad Mini, Nexus 7, Or Kindle Burn Hdx: Which Tablet Is Best For People Amongst Dyslexia?

Over the yesteryear duad of weeks I lead hold been lucky plenty to review iii of the most pop tablets- the iPad mini, the Nexus 7, too the Kindle Fire HXD. Instead of focusing on battery life, pixel density, too processor speed, I took a await at the features that would aid people amongst dyslexia too other disabilities. All iii tablets lead hold to a greater extent than or less features that are perfect for dyslexics. To figure out which 1 is correct for you, yell upwardly close which features are most of import to yous equally yous read the reviews.

When looking for a tablet for someone amongst dyslexia, in that location are a expose of of import factors that must live considered to brand certainly yous acquire the features that are most of import to the user, too acquire the best value for your needs. First, yous desire to visit what the tablet volition live used for. Will it live used primarily for reading books too browsing the web, or volition it live used to type documents, read email, too edit movies. 
Generally, for people amongst dyslexia, it is of import that the tablet lead hold built inwards text-to-speech amongst a high lineament voice. All iii of these tablets lead hold text-to-speech, but the agency text-to-speech is implemented is dissimilar from tablet to tablet. The iPad allows text-to-speech to live activated inwards a few taps when reading webpages too text inwards apps including Safari, Mail too many 3rd political party apps including The New York Times. The other tablets require a to a greater extent than time consuming procedure to activate text-to-speech inwards all apps.

Next, app lineament too quantity is also an of import consideration. Currently, the iPad is ahead inwards damage of app support, but the Nexus seven is non besides shabby inwards damage of 3rd political party app choice either. Apple's Pb inwards damage of 3rd political party app choice continues to narrow. See the ecosystem too apps department below for to a greater extent than data close app selection. If the somebody amongst dyslexia uses Bookshare or Learning Ally, it is of import to brand certainly that the tablet has apps to back upwardly those services. Bookshare is a service that provides accessible e-books for people amongst impress disabilities too Learning Ally provides sound books – to a greater extent than or less amongst text - for people amongst impress disabilities. Both the Nexus seven too iPad mini lead hold Bookshare too Learning Ally apps. The iPad does lead hold improve Bookshare back upwardly than the Nexus 7.


The software that runs on the tablet is far to a greater extent than of import than the musical rhythm on the outside, but yous yet lead hold to live happy amongst the agency your tablet looks too feels. The iPad mini is the largest of the tablets, but it is yet slow to concord inwards 1 hand, but non equally slow equally the smaller Nexus seven too Kindle Fire HDX 7". The iPad mini has an all metallic too drinking glass pattern that makes it experience worthy of its higher cost tag. Both the Nexus seven too Kindle Fire HDX lead hold plastic backs that experience dainty inwards the hand, but experience slightly less classy hence the iPad. The await too experience of the dorsum may non affair much for many users who role cases for protection. The await too experience of the dorsum may non affair much for many users who role cases for protection. All of the tablets are remarkably light, hence asset them for long periods of fourth dimension should non live an trial for most people. 
For people who programme to role the tablets for text-to-speech too sound books, speaker quality, too where the speaker is positioned are other of import considerations. For their size, all iii of these tablets lead hold goodness speakers. They all include dual speakers too lead hold goodness sound quality. The Nexus seven too Kindle Fire both lead hold speakers at reverse ends of the device to acquire far hard to block the sound amongst your hands piece yous are asset it, but the iPad speakers are both at the bottom of the device, making it possible, although non probable that yous could block the speakers depending on where yous seat your hands. While the placement of the speakers may non live an trial for you, the differences are worth noting.

Operating System:

All iii tablets lead hold dissimilar operating systems important their software behaves differently. The iPad mini runs iOS 7 which slow to role too smooth. iOS has the best built inwards accessibility features of the bunch amongst a good polished shroud reader called VoiceOver that tin move read almost anything on shroud aloud using text-to-speech. iOS also includes Speak Selection which allows users to highlight text too lead hold it read aloud using text-to-speech.

Android 4.4 KitKat which runs the Nexus seven is to a greater extent than or less other solid operating system. Without getting besides much into the iOS vs. Android debate, the Android is a footling less intuitive to use, but allows for to a greater extent than customization than iOS. iOS has a elementary user interface that is slow to use, piece Android allows for dwelling solid shroud widgets which tin move live useful but tin move also clutter the dwelling solid shroud too acquire far to a greater extent than confusing to use. Android also includes a shroud reader called TalkBack, but it is non equally polished equally VoiceOver. One of Apple’s VoiceOver's biggest advantages is that it industrial plant amongst to a greater extent than apps than TalkBack.

The Kindle Fire HDX runs Fire OS 3.0 which includes a shroud reader much similar Android’s TalkBack too locks yous into the Amazon ecosystem. If yous purchase a Kindle yous lead hold to purchase books, magazines, too apps from Amazon hence your options are somewhat limited. The Kindle Fire has an interface that is slow to role an puts your content at the forefront. Your apps, books, magazines, music, too movies are featured prominently on the dwelling solid shroud for quick access.

Reading Features:

These tablets all lead hold unique reading features that differentiate them from each other, but each of the devices  allow users to highlight too annotate books, too define an unfamiliar give-and-take amongst merely a duad of taps.

One of the best too most appealing features is on the Kindle Fire HDX too is called Immersion Reading. Immersion Reading syncs highlighted e Kindle text amongst professionally narrated sound from Audible for a seamless too elegant reading experience. Immersion Reading gives yous the best of both worlds yesteryear allowing yous to remove heed to professional person narration piece next along amongst the text. The 1 negative of Immersion Reading is that yous must ain both the Kindle text version too the Audible sound version of a book. The costs add together upwardly apace if yous role Immersion Reading frequently. The Kindle Fire HDX also allows yous to read select books using text-to-speech. The text-to-speech vocalisation sounds goodness - improve than the Android too iOS default vocalisation - but yous can't speed upwardly the speaking rate.

The Nexus seven also includes reading features that tin move practise goodness people amongst dyslexia. Google Play Books, which is Google’s e-book store, allows yous to read books amongst text-to-speech amongst synchronized highlighting. The default vocalisation isn't equally goodness equally the Kindle's default voice, but yous tin move download higher lineament voices. For users of Bookshare too Learning Ally, the Nexus seven has Android apps for both of these services. Unfortunately, the Bookshare app for Android (GoRead) is non equally goodness equally the Read2Go app for iOS or Voice Dream Reader, to a greater extent than or less other app that tin move read Bookshare books. The iOS apps to a greater extent than often than non lead hold to a greater extent than polished user interfaces too to a greater extent than advanced annotations options.

The iPad has the best 3rd political party app back upwardly for reading. Users of Bookshare too Learning Ally tin move read their books amongst smashing iPad optimized apps. The iPad app Voice Dream Reader lets yous read many documents too books, including Bookshare books, using text-to-speech. Voice Dream is the best text-to-speech app for mobile devices correct directly too is solely available for the iPad too iPhone. The iPad tin move access Kindle books using the Kindle app too they tin move live read aloud amongst text-to-speech using VoiceOver. However, VoiceOver does non highlight the words equally they are spoken. Apple's ain iBooks app underwhelms inwards damage of accessibility features for people amongst dyslexia. iBooks tin move live read amongst text-to-speech using VoiceOver, but VoiceOver does non highlight equally it reads too it takes fourth dimension to larn how to role it properly.

The iPad's Speak Selection characteristic makes it slow to read webpages, emails, too documents using text-to-speech. To role Speak Selection, merely highlight the words yous desire read aloud too press speak. Speak Selection tin move also highlight words equally they are spoken hence yous won’t lose your house inwards the text.

Other Helpful Features:

All of these tablets lead hold other useful features; both the Kindle Fire HDX too Nexus seven include comprehensive multi-user support. On the Nexus seven yous tin move create a split delineate of piece of employment concern human relationship for a pupil or kid that solely allows them to role certainly apps on the device. Even if multiple users role the same apps, each user tin move ready them upwardly the agency they prefer.

The Kindle Fire HDX includes Amazon Free Time which allows yous to trammel the fourth dimension your kid or pupil tin move role the device for certainly tasks. For example, yous could allow solely thirty minutes of video watching, but allow for unlimited reading of a Kindle book. Amazon Free Time also allows adults to bound which apps too content are available for children. The iPad has a similar characteristic called Guided Access, but yous tin move solely allow the kid to role 1 app at a fourth dimension using the guided access feature.

All iii tablets also include speech communication recognition that allows yous to verbalize into the tablet too hence lead hold your words appear equally text. The Nexus seven too Kindle Fire HDX allow yous dictate fifty-fifty when yous are non connected to the internet. The iPad requires an mesh connective inwards club to role dictation.

The Kindle Fire HDX includes a actually cool characteristic called Mayday. If yous are having problem doing anything amongst your Kindle Fire HDX, yous tin move press the Mayday push to live connected amongst a alive agent inwards close a minute. You tin move come across the back upwardly agent's human face upwardly too he or she tin move come across your Kindle Fire's screen. They tin move hence walk yous through the steps needed to resolve yous difficulties. I establish the back upwardly staff knowledgeable too able to aid out quickly. Mayday is how tech back upwardly should ever work.

Ecosystem too Apps:

It's of import to visit the ecosystem of each tablet. The ecosystem determines which apps, books, magazines, too songs are available for your device. The iPad has the best app choice specially for assistive apps. If yous desire the best apps, the iPad is the agency to go. To come across a listing of the apps I role equally a dyslexic pupil click here.

The Nexus seven utilizes the Google Play shop for apps too its offerings are solid. Currently, yous volition non detect to a greater extent than or less of the transcend assistive apps on the Nexus 7, but yous volition probable live able to detect almost all of the large refer apps.

The Kindle Fire HDX has goodness app support, but it falls behind both other tablets. The Kindle is locked into Amazons ecosystem for all apps too books, piece the other tablets tin move download content from multiple sources.


All of the tablets lead hold solid reading features for people amongst dyslexia. Which tablet would live best for you, your students, or your child? If using Bookshare or Learning Ally on the tablet is of import to you, yous should non visit the Kindle Fire HDX. Both the Nexus seven too iPad back upwardly Bookshare too Learning Ally, but the iPad apps offering a improve experience for using those services. If you’re non a Bookshare or Learning Ally user too lead hold coin to pass of Immersion Reading books, the Kindle Fire may live the best alternative for you. Just maintain inwards remove heed that the Kindle does non lead hold quite the app choice of the other tablets. If yous desire a full-featured tablet too you’re on a budget, the Nexus seven is a real goodness option. If yous lead hold the coin to pass on the iPad, amongst it unmatched app choice too robust built-in accessibility features, is your best bet.

Pricing too Availability:

The Kindle Fire HDX 7" is available for $229 from The other Kindle Fire varieties also lead hold Immersion Reading, but solely the HDX models lead hold the Mayday support. The iPad mini starts at $399 from Apple too the Nexus seven costs $229 from Google Play.


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