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Technology Why Create Together With Then Many Moodle Courses Suck?

Moodle is a magnificent gratis production in addition to has the potential to enable schools in addition to teachers to build wonderfully unique interactive online learning courses inward which learner interaction tin endure tracked, measured in addition to responded to. Despite this the vast bulk of Moodle courses I take in are a long listing of Word in addition to PDF documents alongside at best a few forums that enable a minimum of human social interaction.

Given the acre of many of these courses, it’s no wonder that drib out rates for online learning are hence high. And of course of written report Moodle isn’t the exclusively culprit. Many of the other commercially available LMS (learning management systems) in addition to VLE (virtual learning environment) platforms aren’t doing whatever better.

Moodle has been around forthwith since 2002 in addition to inquiry carried out inward 2013 showed that to a greater extent than than 7.3 1 one 1000 thousand students had studied inward to a greater extent than than 83 one 1000 registered sites.

Image from ELTPics:

So why is it that hence petty progress has been made inward developing innovative courses that actually generate interaction alongside media rich content?

The work sure enough isn’t Moodle, because the platform is capable of delivering all of the above.

The reality is that at that topographic point are a reveal of causes:
  • I recall it’s fair to tell that Moodle isn’t the most intuitive of platforms to operate with. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of progress in addition to improvements possess got been made, but it’s inevitable that a production alongside multiple modules constructed past times dissimilar people is probable to resultant inward some inconsistencies of await in addition to feel.
  • The fact that Moodle is seen every bit a ‘free’ platform in addition to hence a ‘cheap’ way to acquire learning online is some other factor. Schools root using the platform alongside the impression that it won’t require much fiscal backing in addition to that in 1 lawsuit they possess got provided the platform teachers volition only endure able to acquire their classes online.
  • This brings me to the side past times side betoken in addition to that is lack of training. Most teachers I possess got met who utilization Moodle produce hence alongside exclusively the most minimal in addition to basic preparation in addition to over again this comes dorsum to the perception that Moodle is a inexpensive solution. Many schoolhouse managers seem to recall that a few hours of preparation is plenty to acquire their teachers designing bully online courses. It’s not! Training to utilization Moodle effectively takes considerable fourth dimension in addition to needs to endure constantly reinforced in addition to renewed.
  • A 2d chemical factor of preparation which is frequently overlooked is instructional design. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 instructor may good endure marvellous at developing in addition to delivering their ain materials inward the classroom, but when it comes to converting those materials into effective online learning units at that topographic point is a novel marker of science in addition to agreement that they need. Understanding the instructional blueprint potential of an online platform in addition to how to construction materials hence that students progress through an online environs requires preparation in addition to experience.
  • Another factor inward this mix is that the Moodle platform is frequently seen every bit the ‘property’ in addition to responsibleness of the information technology region in addition to every bit such they brand the platform every bit secure every bit possible. Often this way that teachers’ access to many of the dissimilar features in addition to potential that Moodle tin deliver are hidden from the instructor in addition to they don’t possess got the chance to experiment alongside the platform in addition to acquire for themselves.

So given all of these problems is it worth using Moodle or whatever other platform to develop online in addition to blended learning for your students? 

The respond is of course of written report a resounding yes. To ignore the potential that online learning in addition to novel technology has to offering is to endure similar King Canute trying to fellowship dorsum the sea.

But to utilization technology effectively instruction establishments possess got to approach online learning alongside their eyes open.
  • It isn’t a inexpensive solution.
  • It volition require a pregnant investment inward preparation for teachers
  • Teachers won’t only create wonderful online courses inward their gratis time. Developing practiced online materials takes time. More fourth dimension than it takes to develop paper-based confront to confront materials, hence they volition demand to endure paid for this time.
  • Teachers demand to endure trained at all levels of the platform including the admin level, non only at instructor level.
How nearly laid upward made courses?
Knowing all of this schools may endure tempted to past times an ‘off the shelf’ solution alongside all the content laid upward made, but I would endure wary of this type of ‘one size fits all’ content. In many cases the content has only been adapted from a course of written report mass alongside a copious amounts of drag in addition to drib in addition to gap-filling activity mixed alongside a petty multimedia in addition to real petty pupil - instructor or peer to peer interaction built inward in addition to no sign of whatever authentic materials or personalisation. These courses are frequently tiresome beyond belief in addition to neglect to engage the students.

The best online courses, only similar the best face-to-face courses, are commonly designed past times teachers who possess got developed an agreement of the needs in addition to interests of their students in addition to tin conduct content which they volition relish in addition to uncovering engaging.

So, if platforms similar Moodle are actually to endure used to develop effective in addition to engaging learning which realises the potential of online in addition to blended learning modes of delivery, in addition to then nosotros must possess got managers who are willing to invest inward developing the skills of their teachers in addition to teachers who are willing to run into the challenges of novel technology caput on  in addition to possess got their changing in addition to to a greater extent than various roles every bit teachers, mentors in addition to instructional designers.

For teachers who would similar to endeavor to develop their ain Moodle skills.
You tin register for a gratis Moodle platform at: It takes a few moments to register in addition to and then you lot possess got your ain Moodle platform to utilization every bit a sandpit.

Here are a few quick video tutorials that tin assist acquire you lot started.
I promise you lot uncovering these videos useful in addition to relish making a root at using Moodle to create to a greater extent than engaging materials.


Nik Peachey


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