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Voice Dream Writer: Give-And-Take Processing Summation A Whole Lot More

Voice Dream has acquire a well-known cite inwards the assistive applied scientific discipline community because of Voice Dream Reader: a text-to-speech reader available for iOS devices. Now the developer has released a novel app called Voice Dream Writer which aims to back upwards writers amongst special needs. Voice Dream Writer has features that tin practice goodness people amongst a broad arrive at of needs including people amongst dyslexia together with people who are blind or visually impaired. People without disabilities tin also practice goodness from the app. For example, english linguistic communication learners could practice goodness from spoken feedback together with other features offered past times Voice Dream Writer. 

The text-to-speech feedback is designed to assist writers notice mistakes inwards their writing. The trend of text-to-speech reading tin fifty-fifty last changed to assist writers focus either on spelling together with grammar, or on content together with organization. The app also offers slow access to an outline stance that tin assist amongst organizing a document. Other features allow users to await upwards words phonetically or await upwards words past times its meaning. 

The text-to-speech feedback tin last accessed equally users type so they tin verify that a give-and-take or judgement was entered equally they intended. This helps writers position words or phrases that looked correct, but upon hearing them read aloud audio incorrect. The app volition also read dorsum text that has been dictated to assist users insure that their phonation was transcribed correctly.

When it is fourth dimension to review a document, Voice Dream Writer includes roughly really thoughtful features for editing. The app includes 2 customizable proof reading modes that role text-to-speech to assist amongst the editing process. The commencement is designed to assist writers edit the content of their document. In this mode words are read dorsum using text-to-speech audio natural together with smooth: equally they would when reading a mass amongst Voice Dream Reader. This allows writers to focus on the content together with arrangement of their document. 

The minute mode reads text dorsum inwards a somewhat choppy trend which allows users to focus their document at the micro level. This mode is ideal for editing spelling a grammer because the lack of catamenia amongst the text-to-speech phonation makes it easier to focus on each give-and-take rather than the overall content of the text.

Each proofreading mode is customizable amongst options to denote misspelled words, spell homophones, together with beak punctuation together with capitalization.

Similar to Voice Dream Reader, Voice Dream Writer includes the powerfulness to alter the visual trend of the app. Font size, graphic symbol together with trouble spacing, margins, text color, together with background color tin all last changed. Additionally, users tin alter the text to phonation communication phonation together with speaking charge per unit of measurement to check their preferences. Text-to-speech voices purchased inwards Voice Dream Reader are available inwards the Writer without an additional purchase. The pronunciation lexicon also syncs betwixt the Writer together with the Reader if both are installed on the same device.

Text files tin last imported from iCloud Drive or supported 3rd political party services such equally Google Drive or Dropbox. Unfortunately, users tin exclusively import text files together with non Microsoft Word files. Documents tin last exported equally HTML, RTF, Microsoft Word, or Apple Pages format.

Click read to a greater extent than below to perish on to read the review of Voice Dream Writer. Some of the most innovative together with helpful features volition last described below.

Some of Voice Dream Writers most helpful features tin last constitute inwards the right sidebar menu. First is a lexicon which tin read dorsum the definitions of a give-and-take (This characteristic is currently non available inwards Voice Dream Reader without using VoiceOver). The minute tool allows users to acquire inwards a give-and-take spelled phonetically to notice the correctly spelled option.  For example, if I typed "receat," it   might propose the give-and-take "receipt," equally an option. Unlike another apps, these suggestions are non made based on the context of the surrounding text. Users tin tap on each proposition to listen the give-and-take spoken aloud. This characteristic is extremely helpful for miserable spellers, particularly when they are inwards a province of affairs where using dictation would last inappropriate or unavailable. 

The terminal characteristic on the right sidebar is the alternative to await upwards a give-and-take past times meaning. For example, if I was writing well-nigh organizations which donate coin to charities, but could non yell upwards of the give-and-take "philanthropic" I could search "donate money" together with "philanthropic" would last ane of the suggestions. This tin assist cut down instances of a give-and-take beingness at the tip of your tong, but you lot tin quite yell upwards of the word.

In the left sidebar carte is an outline view. Users tin select to stance an outline of their document past times heading, paragraph, or sentence. Users tin together with so merely rearrange paragraphs or headings past times dragging together with dropping. This is helpful for the planning stages of writing equally users tin programme unlike paragraphs together with fill upwards inwards the content afterward they are finished planning.

All formatting inwards Voice Dream Writer is done using markdown. This way that all editing is done inwards apparently text, but symbols inserted earlier or afterward words crusade the words to last formatted when the file is exported. For example, adding a # or * earlier a give-and-take volition crusade that give-and-take to last formatted equally a heading or equally italic font when exported. This scheme has roughly positives together with roughly negatives over conventional formatting that is constitute inwards Microsoft Word together with Apple's Pages. 

For blind users this scheme tin last helpful because the special characters such equally # together with * volition last spoken allowing them to chop-chop recognize when a share of text is bold or italics. In other give-and-take processors italics together with bold text may last read unremarkably making it to a greater extent than hard for blind users to determine how the document is formatted. However, for sighted users this scheme may last unfamiliar together with thus to a greater extent than difficult. It would last dainty if Voice Dream Writer had both the alternative of using markdown together with for editing inwards rich text together with allowed the users to create upwards one's heed which alternative worked best for their needs.

Finally, Voice Dream Writer includes a novel excogitation which improves the text choice together with cursor movement procedure for VoiceOver users. These tasks are unremarkably hard for VoiceOver users. VoiceOver is a built inwards concealment reader available on iOS devices that allows blind together with visually impaired users to role gestures inwards gild to role their device. When VoiceOver is enabled, Voice Dream Writer automatically adds 3 buttons to the bottom left of the screen. The commencement push controls the cursor together with accepts a combination of multi-figure taps together with swipes to displace the cursor frontward together with backwards through the document. The minute push adjusts how much the cursor moves amongst each swipe of the commencement button. This push allows the cursor to displace letter-by-letter, word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence or paragraph-by-paragraph. The 3rd push allows users to easily select text together with and so re-create or cutting that text. This scheme of selecting text together with moving the cursor amongst VoiceOver is much faster than the method used inwards other apps together with is a major practice goodness of Voice Dream Writer for VoiceOver users.

iOS 8 and higher. While iPhone back upwards is for sure convenient when writing a quick email, the iPad's large concealment seems best suited for longer writing. Users who desire to role the app for writing long pieces volition likely want to role a Bluetooth keyboard for faster typing. People using Bluetooth keyboards volition also savor the powerfulness to role keyboard shortcuts amongst the app. More keyboard shortcuts volition last added inwards futurity versions equally well. For example, inwards the futurity users amongst Bluetooth keyboards volition last able to acquire inwards a key combination to chop-chop notice all misspelled words.

In all Voice Dream Writer has many superb features that tin assist writers amongst a broad diverseness of needs. Hopefully rich text editing together with the powerfulness to import Word documents volition last added inwards a futurity version. Voice Dream Writer seems similar it would also brand a keen Mac app together with hopefully someday people volition last able to role these features on their Macs. Even without rich text editing together with Mac support, Voice Dream Writer seems amazingly polished together with good thought through for a version 1.0 app. To buy Voice Dream Writer for $10 on the App Store click here. The app volition last on sale for $8 until Sunday, Feb 1, 2015.

If you’re all the same unsure well-nigh the apps features spotter the video below inwards which Winston Chen, the developer of Voice Dream Reader together with Voice Dream Writer, walks viewers through his latest app.


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