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Sunny Xvi Rule: Photography Without Calorie-Free Meter.

It is of import that what you lot are shooting but how you lot are shooting is to a greater extent than important.  You own got to live on petty tricky in addition to intelligent when you lot are shooting photos. You own got to retrieve earlier you lot click. Imagine how you lot desire this photograph in addition to laid you lot photographic tv set camera that fit your imagination.

Photography Rules:

There is no written rules close photography. That way you lot own got no restrictions of how you lot are shooting photos. But to expire a pro you lot should know exactly about photography rules. You don’t own got to follow all the rules all time, but those volition for certain conduct you lot how to own got character photos.  Great photographers know when to interruption all rules to acquire interesting in addition to unique photos. Some photography rules are:
  • Rule of Thirds
  • Sunny xvi Rule
  • Leading Lines
  • Fill the Frame
  • Keep Space
  • Keep Horizons Straight
 It is of import that what you lot are shooting but how you lot are shooting is to a greater extent than of import Sunny xvi Rule: Photography without low-cal meter.

I volition write close those rules presently but inward this article I am going to say exclusively close Sunny xvi Rule.

To sympathise sunny xvi dominion you lot own got to sympathise exposure in addition to low-cal metering well.
I am giving you lot a brief close exposure in addition to low-cal metering.


 It is of import that what you lot are shooting but how you lot are shooting is to a greater extent than of import Sunny xvi Rule: Photography without low-cal meter.
Exposure model

Proper exposure way right ISO, aperture in addition to shutter speed. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 combination with the 3 factors. You own got to ensure that the picture is non going to live on underexposed or overexposed. (Wikipedia)

Light Meter 

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 low-cal meter is a device which tin sack mensurate electrical flow sum of low-cal in addition to tin sack advise you lot what your settings should live on inward acquaint province of affairs hence that you lot tin sack acquire perfect exposure. In photography, a low-cal meter is oft used to create upward one's heed the proper exposure for a photograph. (Wikipedia)

What is Sunny xvi dominion or sunny f/16 dominion ? 

 Sunny xvi dominion is a method of estimating right daylight exposures without a low-cal meter. On a brilliant sunny day, you lot should purpose aperture f16 in addition to shutter speed to the reciprocal of your ISO value.
That way laid your aperture to f16 in addition to and hence if the ISO value is 100 in addition to hence laid shutter speed to 1/100 (most of the photographic tv set camera own got 1/125 seconds).  Again keeping your aperture to f16, if you lot alter your ISO to 200 in addition to hence alter shutter speed to 1/200 seconds.
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 uncomplicated nautical chart to aid you.

 It is of import that what you lot are shooting but how you lot are shooting is to a greater extent than of import Sunny xvi Rule: Photography without low-cal meter.
Aperture settings for dissimilar lighting conditions

***So you lot own got to proceed your aperture fixed to f-16 in addition to and hence alter your ISO score in addition to shutter speed.

What to produce if it is non a sunny day 

Weather status may alter whatever time. So what to do? Don’t worry. There is a solution for that work every bit well.

***All you lot necessitate to produce is to proceed your shutter speed in addition to ISO score constant in addition to but alter aperture to dissimilar lighting condition.

 It is of import that what you lot are shooting but how you lot are shooting is to a greater extent than of import Sunny xvi Rule: Photography without low-cal meter.
Photo nether depression low-cal condition

Related: Low Light Photography Tips

During a Slightly overcast or Hazy status purpose F-16 aperture in addition to when the status is overcast or raining in addition to hence alter the aperture to F-8. Follow the nautical chart below to larn more:

 It is of import that what you lot are shooting but how you lot are shooting is to a greater extent than of import Sunny xvi Rule: Photography without low-cal meter.

***Important Note*** 

If you lot desire to larn photography in addition to expire a professional person lensman in addition to hence online report tin sack aid you lot a lot. You volition abide by numerous photography blogs in addition to a lots of photography books online. It’s the passion which volition conduct you lot to expire a professional person photographer. You volition abide by a lot of photography tutorials inward YouTube. If you lot search for whatever photographic tv set camera model similar (Canon 600D or Nikon 5200D) inward YouTube search bar you lot volition abide by a lot of suggestions. Pick in addition to play anyone you lot like. You may retrieve “why I am here”, when he is suggesting other websites to larn photography. You should non retrieve similar this. Because noesis is everywhere, you lot should non waste matter whatever opportunity. Pick anything that you lot like.


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