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Teecht. Cybercom Commander Discusses Evolving Cyber Threats

By Navy Petty Officer 2d Class Ignacio D. Perez DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 2018 — Although competitors such every bit Red People's Republic of China together with Russian Federation rest the greatest threat to U.S. security, rogue regimes such every bit Islamic Republic of Iran together with Democratic People's South Korea convey increased inwards capabilities together with convey begun using aggressive methods to bear malicious internet activities, the military’s move past times cyber officeholder told Congress today.

Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers, manager of the National Security Agency, commander of U.S. Cyber Command together with primary of the Central Security Service, testified at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.

“Our adversaries convey grown to a greater extent than emboldened, conducting increasingly aggressive activities to extend their influence without fearfulness of pregnant consequence,” Rogers said. “We must alter our approaches together with responses hither if nosotros are to alter this dynamic.”

But every bit the cyber domain has evolved, Rogers told the senators, Cybercom’s iii major mission areas endure: protecting the Department of Defense Information Network; enabling other articulation forcefulness commanders past times delivering effects inwards together with through cyberspace; together with defending the nation against cyber threats through back upwards to the Department of Homeland Security together with others when directed to usage hence past times the president or secretarial assistant of defense.

Cybercom Milestones

Rogers highlighted milestones inwards Cybercom’s growth.

Joint Force Headquarters DODIN, the subordinate headquarters responsible for securing, operating together with defending the Defense Department's complex data technology scientific discipline infrastructure, has achieved amount operational capability, he said.

Joint Task Force Ares, created to atomic number 82 the struggle inwards cyber against the Islamic State of Republic of Iraq together with Syria, has successfully integrated internet operations into broader state of war machine campaigns, has achieved about “excellent results,” together with volition proceed to pursue ISIS inwards back upwards of the nation's objectives, the admiral told the Senate panel.

Cybercom too has significantly enhanced grooming inwards cyber performance platforms to gear upwards the battlespace against primal adversaries, he said.

Milestones expected to live on achieved this yr include Cyber Command’s elevation to a combatant ascendancy responsible for providing mission-ready internet operations forces to other combatant commanders, Rogers said.

New Facility

In addition, the admiral said, Cybercom volition live on moving into a state-of-the-art integrated cyber middle together with articulation operations facility at Fort Meade, Maryland, enhancing the coordination together with planning of operations against cyber threats.

“Without internet superiority inwards today's battlefield, risk to mission increases across all domains together with endangers our security,” Rogers said.

Cybercom’s focus on conception together with rapid tech evolution has extended all the means to minor businesses together with working amongst the somebody sector patch maintaining cybersecurity, Rogers told the committee.

“We intend inwards the coming yr to usage an unclassified collaboration venue where businesses together with academia tin assist us tackle tough problems without needing to boundary over clearance hurdles, for example, which for many are really hard barriers,” Rogers explained.

After serving to a greater extent than than 4 years every bit a commander of Cybercom together with subsequently near 37 years of service every bit a naval officer, Rogers is laid to retire this spring.

“I volition usage all I tin during the intervening menstruation to ensure the mission continues, that our men together with women rest e'er motivated, together with that nosotros convey a smoothen transition,” he said.


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