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Teecht. Marines Role 3-D Printer To Brand Replacement Business Office For F-35 Fighter

PACIFIC OCEAN -- Marines amongst Combat Logistic Battalion 31, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, are straight off capable of “‘‘additive manufacturing,’“ also known every bit 3-D printing.

This innovative procedure uses 3-D printing software to suspension downward a digital model into layers that tin live reproduced yesteryear the printer. The printer as well as thence builds the model from the Blue Planet up, layer yesteryear layer, creating a tangible object.

Marine Corps Sgt. Adrian Willis, a reckoner as well as telephone technician, said he was thrilled to live selected yesteryear his ascendancy to piece of job amongst a 3-D printer.

3-D Printing is the Future

“I recall 3-D printing is definitely the futurity -- it’s absolutely the administration the Marine Corps needs to live going,” Willis said.

The Marine Corps is all most mission accomplishment as well as self-reliance. In kicking camp, Marine recruits are taught to pick out a “‘figure-it-out’” mindset, as well as 3-D printing is the adjacent footstep for a Corps that prides itself on its self-sufficiency.

“Finding innovative solutions to complex problems actually does harken dorsum to our essence principles every bit Marines,” Willis said. “I’m proud to live a component of a novel plan that could live a game-changer for the Marine Corps.”

The Marines deployed hither operate their 3-D printer every bit an alternative, temporary source for parts. As a permanently forward-deployed unit, it’s crucial for the 31st MEU to pick out access to the replacement parts it needs for sustained operations. The 31st MEU’s mission -- to deploy at a moment’s honor when the acre calls -- is non conducive to waiting for replacement parts shipped from halfway some the world. So 3-D printing capabilities dovetail amongst the MEU’s expeditionary mandate.

‘Fix it Forward’

“While afloat, our motto is, ‘‘Fix it forward,’” said Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer ii Daniel Rodriguez, CLB-31’s maintenance officer. “3-D printing is a peachy tool to brand that happen. CLB-31 tin straight off convey that capability to deport precisely where it’s needed most -- on a forward-deployed MEU.”

Proving this concept Apr 16, Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121 successfully flew an F-35B Lightning II aircraft amongst a component that was supplied yesteryear CLB-31’s 3-D printer. The F-35B had a plastic bumper on a landing gear door wearable out during a recent preparation mission. Though a pocket-size as well as uncomplicated part, the exclusively conventional agency of replacing the bumper was to club the entire door assembly -- a procedure that’s time-consuming as well as expensive.

Using a newly released procedure from Naval Air Systems Command for 3-D printed parts, the squadron was able to pick out the bumper printed, approved for operate as well as installed inside a affair of days -- much faster than waiting for a replacement component to teach inwards from the United States.

‘My Most Important Commodity is Time’

“As a commander, my most of import commodity is time,” said Marine Corps Lt. Col Richard Rusnok, the squadron’s commanding officer. “Although our provide personnel as well as logisticians attain an outstanding labor getting us parts, existence able to apace brand our ain parts is a huge advantage.”

VMFA-121 also made history inwards March every bit the maiden off F-35B squadron to deploy inwards back upward of a MEU.

Making farther operate of the MEU’s 3-D printing capability, the MEU’s explosive ordnance disposal squad requested a modification component that acts every bit a lens cap for a photographic tv set camera on an iRobot 310 pocket-size unmanned Blue Planet vehicle -- a component that did non be at the time. CLB-31’s 3-D printing squad designed as well as produced the part, which is straight off operational as well as is protecting the drone’s delicate lenses.

The templates for both the plastic bumper as well as lens encompass volition live uploaded to a Marine Corps-wide 3-D printing database to brand them accessible to whatever unit of measurement amongst the same needs.
The 31st MEU continues to brainstorm novel opportunities for its 3-D printer, such every bit aviation parts as well as mechanical devices that tin live used to ready everyday problems. Though exclusively inwards the get-go stages of development, officials said, the 31st MEU volition hold to force the envelope of what 3-D printing tin attain inwards the continued seek to brand the MEU a to a greater extent than lethal as well as self-sufficient unit.


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