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Teecht. Criminal Judge Applied Scientific Discipline Inward The Tidings

Law Enforcement News

Manatee 911 Center Will Soon Be Able to Find You Via Your Cell Phone
Bradenton Herald, (06/26/2018), Emily Wunderlich
Manatee County (Fla.) Public Safety volition produce using RapidSOS technology scientific discipline to assistance its dispatchers inward pinpointing the place of cellular callers afterward a novel iOS update is released inward October. More than 75 pct of all calls to the dispatch see come upward from jail cellphone phones.
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'Crisis Management Classroom' at WT Hopes to Help Save Lives
KRTE9, (06/26/2018), Nicolette Perrone
West Texas A&M University is implementing the same software used inward the college's virtual emergency operations see meshing (VEOCI) for instruction inward its Education Credit Unit Crisis Management Classroom. In add-on to preparation students enrolled inward the didactics curriculum inward scenario-based instruction using the software, the schoolhouse is making the preparation available to local start responders.
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Ballistic Vest Saves the Life of Arizona Border Patrol Agent, (07/02/2018), Scott Burton
An Arizona Border Patrol agent checking means sensors close Arivaca inward piece of cake June was shot, alongside his ballistic-resistant vest stopping i of the shots. The shooting occurred inward Chimney Canyon to a greater extent than or less 10 miles from the border, as well as the agent, who is a trained paramedic, treated his ain wounds earlier seeking help.
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Richmond Launches Website to Track Active Emergency Calls equally Alternative to Encrypted Police Radio Traffic
Richmond Times-Dispatch, (07/02/2018), Ali Rockett
The metropolis of Richmond, Va., as well as Henrico as well as Chesterfield counties lately began encrypting their radio communications as well as at the same time, offering a alive feed of constabulary calls for residents who formerly monitored constabulary radio calls. The feed is refreshed every 45 seconds, as well as calls rest on the feed equally long equally they are open.
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LA Wallet - Louisiana's First Digital Driver's License App, (07/03/2018)
The province of Louisiana has released LA Wallet, an app that volition allow drivers to display their driver's license digitally whenever stopped. The app, designed yesteryear the Louisiana State Police, the Department of Public Safety as well as the Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV), is the start digital driver's license app inward role inward the nation.
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Rockford Police Grant Seeing Results for Domestic Violence Victims
23WIFR, (07/09/2018), Courtney Bunting
The constabulary subdivision inward Rockford, Ill., is using federal funds to distribute jail cellphone phones to domestic violence victims. The subdivision has seen an growth inward calls requesting assistance using the phones, including 10 inward the calendar month of June alone.
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Police Using New Devices to Gauge Distance Between Cars as well as Bicycles, (07/10/2018), Sasha Zidar
The constabulary subdivision inward Grand Rapids, Mich., is i of 2 inward the province testing a novel device mounted on patrol bicycles that volition mensurate the distance betwixt a passing automobile as well as a bicyclist. The airplane pilot is component subdivision of a federal inquiry projection aimed at improving security for bicyclists on streets.
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Corrections News

Just How Transparent Can a Criminal Justice Algorithm Be?
Slate, (07/03/2018), Stephanie Wykstra
Due to the objections position frontwards inward a June vi hearing, the Pennsylvania Conference on Sentencing has delayed a vote on an algorithm proposed equally a method of reducing incarceration yesteryear predicting an individual's jeopardy to populace safety. Opponents of the mensurate are concerned the algorithm's role would growth racial disparities inward sentencing.
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DOC Tests Virtual Reality equally Inmate Training Tool
KTVA, (07/09/2018), Liz Raines
The province of Alaska is testing role of a virtual reality tool to develop inmates for chore interviews as well as other challenges they volition aspect upward on release. Alaska faces a disclose of unique challenges, including seasonal affective disorder as well as vast geographic distances that hamper individuals' might to detect employment.
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Thinking Outside the Cell: Software Cuts Recidivism Among Texas' Mentally Ill
The Crime Report, (07/09/2018), Laura Binczewski
Using software created yesteryear HarrisLogic, a Missouri-based technology scientific discipline as well as clinical services company, Dallas County, Texas, is successfully diverting mentally sick individuals to effective handling programs rather than into the corrections system. The technology scientific discipline allows sharing of information most mentally sick individuals amidst law enforcement, the courts as well as wellness aid providers.
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Charging Ex-offenders 'Administrative Fees' Means Big Pain for the Poor as well as Little Gain for Counties
Los Angeles Times, (07/09/2018), Anne Stuhldreher
Individuals oftentimes are assessed steep administrative fees when they function out the criminal judge system. In Los Angeles, ex-offenders tin rack upward monthly probation fees, courtroom written report fees as well as more, alongside amount fees mayhap approaching $1,000 per month. The metropolis is considering eliminating such fees as well as forgiving existing debt equally a stride toward reducing recidivism rates.
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Life on a Bracelet: GPS Monitoring an 'Invisible Fence,' Chance to 'Re-evaluate'
Wisconsin State Journal, (07/03/2018), Chris Rickert
Dane County, Wis., is using a GPS monitoring computer program to aid trim down the jail population, decrease incarceration rates amidst people of colouring as well as emphasize handling rather than punishment. Interviews alongside participants as well as some information dot that GPS tin promote positive outcomes, but some researchers say its effectiveness is questionable.
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Staffing Concerns Taking Toll on Missouri Prisons
News Tribune, (07/07/2018), Jeff Haldiman
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 July iv inmate protestation at Missouri's Tipton Correctional Center is only i of several this twelvemonth that evidently are linked to restrictions inward privileges due to staff shortages. No officers convey been attacked or injured inward the protests, but throughout the states, staff are forced to demeanour heavy overtime burdens equally to a greater extent than than 700 positions rest vacant. The province is actively trying to fill upward the vacant positions.
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Decatur-based Tech NonProfit to Teach Coding Classes to Local Female Inmates
Decaturish, (07/03/2018), Ellie Ritter
Nonprofit Code/Out is teaching classes inward coding to woman someone inmates inward Georgia's prisons equally component subdivision of an elbow grease to growth post-incarceration job as well as trim down recidivism. Code/Out is attempting to recruit other organizations into a coalition that volition seek to opened upward pathways to job for inmates who convey completed the training.
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